Monday 7 September 2015


The title above is not just a question. It’s a question to be replied must. And, most important thing is that the answer of this question is a clear resemblance of your firmness towards being successful. May be, for most of the people, it’s a great success to become regular. Quite funny na! But, before you take this article as a boring and typical motivation lecture on regularity and discipline, let me make it interesting.So, from where can I start? Actually, don’t need to go anywhere. There is no big teacher than personal experience. Putting myself in the criteria or regularity, I may fail because it’s the human tendency to be irregular. By the way, in most cases, it’s unknowingly. NOBODY WANTS TO BE IRREGULAR BUT EVERYBODY NEVER WANTS TO BE REGULAR. This is the thing to worry about and taking for granted, nobody will worry for the same. This one is funnier than above mentioned.

Some of my regular readers might have noticed that I am not regular to write such blogs. Only this thinking is the source of inspiration to write a blog on being regular. Now, question is how much is the regularity important to succeed? Most common answer is laughter. People in general only know that regularity is important for success but don’t know how much it contribute towards the success. This is just due to wrong perception about regularity in one’s mind. Regularity is not to follow same thing daily routine but to do it with priority of activities to be actually performed by anybody. Thus, it will include time management also. Regularity is directly related to time to be given for a particular activity within a day (24 hours). Means, if you are giving one hour daily to practice dance, then you are regular. It doesn’t matter whether the time slot changes as per the daily conditions. Additionally, there is a thin wall between regularity and punctuality. Punctuality is the thing in which time slot for any activity remains the same whereas regularity deals with whether any activity is done daily for same time duration or not.

This much is enough to bore anybody now. So, moving towards end…..!

Some confessions I would like to make now…

First of all, I didn’t want to give any lecture on regularity and not to teach the difference between regularity and punctuality as well. I just wanted to express that it’s important to maintain regularity to succeed.  

These all are my personal views to write a blog and I am nobody to make anyone follow my thoughts. Hope you understand.

One statement I would surely like to put……….